
Precision Training: Unpacking Conducttr’s New Analytics Suite

Robert Pratten 1 year ago 0 226

Launching at DSEI (Sept 12-15 2023) is Conducttr’s new Exercise Analytics suite for better measurement and assessment of activities in its synthetic information environment (IE). The EA suite comprises several new components:
• xAPI data layer and LRS
• Common Operating Picture (COP) dashboard for large screen display of headline exercise IE activity
• PULSE dashboard for detailed enquiry and analysis of IE activity
• FIEMA process (Framework for IE Measurement and Analysis) for exercise reporting on Measurement of Effects

Framework for IE Measurement and Analysis
Importantly the FIEMA process begins at the exercise design stage so that Conducttr’s synthetic internet is built to respond to activity in a credible way – ensuring that the training audience and OPFOR(s) experiences the IE as it would in real life.
During an exercise, the FIEMA process and tools ensure collection, assessment and adjudication of IE activities from a range of quantitative and qualitative sources and makes this available to the exercise staff & observers in a transparent and auditable format.
Measurement of Effects is given for both expected cognitive effects and operational effects in line with NATO and UK doctrine. The COM-B model for behavioural effects is used as default but any preferred model can be used.

Synthetic Information Environment
Maria Torres, Head of Customer Relations, says “Conducttr’s synthetic information environment is second to none in terms of providing a high-fidelity representation of all aspects of the Internet from social media & press through to cyber effects. What exercise analytics adds is a robust wrapper for exercise directing staff to truly understand who’s winning and if training objectives being met”.
Conducttr will be on booth H1-828 showing it’s virtual desktop – which provides the secure access to its synthetic IE – and the COP dashboard.

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