
Mindset beats strategy

Robert Pratten 4 years ago 0 21

The first take-away from this great podcast, spoken by a former FBI spy, is that “mindset beats strategy”. The idea is that even though you have a plan, it’s better to have the right mindset to deal with the circumstances as you find them.

The other take-aways that will ring true with crisis professionals are:

  • that bonding with your team is key to success and that this bonding needs to take place ahead of a crisis
  • building in redundancy will ensure you have backup resources to access easily so that set-backs don’t become showstoppers.

These key points speak directly to why realistic crisis simulation exercises work: teams bond while learning to think on their feet.

The podcast is free with an Audible subscription. For team bonding and mindset development, there’s Conducttr 😉

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